Happy Holidays

23rd October 2019

What a great first half term we have all had in Year 2.  The children have worked incredibly hard and also had so much fun.  On our last day before the holidays we were busy making some Halloween Pumpkins and also designing Christmas cards.  You will receive a 'proof' of your child's Christmas card after the holiday should you wish to buy some to send to friends and family.
I hope you all have a wonderful half term break.  I'm looking forward to seeing many of the children for lots of adventures during Holiday Camp and will see you all on our return to school bright and early on Monday 4th November.

Expanded Column Addition

22nd October 2019

In Maths today we started to learn the expanded column addition method for adding together numbers with a total of less than 100.  Please see below a short video explaining how we are learning to do this.  It is important the children use their knowledge of place value and add the 'ones' then the 'tens' before adding these together.  If you have any questions of course please do not hesitate to ask.

Week Beginning 21st October 2019

19th October 2019

What will we be learning this week in the final 3 days before half term?

  • Identifying verbs in sentences
  • Adding extra information to sentences using the subordinating conjunctions 'when', 'if', 'that', 'because'
  • Revising the sounds 'oi' and 'oy'


  • Beginning to use expanded column addition to add 2 2-digit numbers (I will add a video showing how we do this at the start of the week)


  •  Looking at a variety of pictures from different parts of the world.  If we were there what do we think we would be able to hear, see and smell?  How are places similar and how are they different?
  • If you have any photographs from places you have visited we would love to have a look at them and see how many different places we have visited?
  • Locating different places on a map
We will also be making a start on our class wreath.  We will be laying this at the School Remembrance Service which is on Monday 11th November at 10.30am.  You are all warmly invited to join us for this very special event.

Events this week:
  • Wednesday 23rd October: break up for half term.  Tea club is available as normal
  • Monday 4th November: return to school

Star of the Week

18th October 2019

Our star of the week this week is Annie.  Well done Annie, you are a superstar.

Marvellous Mathletics

18th October 2019

Congratulations to Oscar and Molly who both achieved Mathletics certificates this week.  

Lunch Award

18th October 2019

Congratulations to Lyla who was the lucky one whose ticket was chosen today.  She chose Mabel to join her at the top table for lunch.  As an added surprise,  her older brother Harry was also a lucky winner to be sitting on the top table!

Spelling Challenge

18th October 2019

The children unanimously asked for a 'fun' spelling challenge this week so here it is!  We would love to see any photographs of you all having fun learning your spellings!

Our first half term in Year 2

18th October 2019

Our first half term in Year 2 has gone so fast but we have made so many great memories and learnt so much.

Fitness Fun in PE

17th October 2019

In our PE lessons this half term we have been following a unit all about Health Related Fitness.  What better way to finish the half term than with playing games and having fun?  We all worked together to pass the bean bags along whilst trying to hold our bodies in a 'plank like' position!

Fruit Kebabs

16th October 2019

We all had a great time in our IPC lesson when we had the task of designing and making a fruit kebab.  We all thought which fruit we would like to include and drew a labelled diagram before setting to the important job of making it.  We were busy washing the fruit, chopping it and sliding it on the kebab and in no time at all it was time to sit back and enjoy our fruit.

Phonics Workshop Presentation

Week Beginning 14th October

12th October 2019

What will we be learning this week?

  • Adding a 2-digit and 1-digit number crossing 10 using knowledge of number bonds.  For example, 28+5 would become 30+3
  • Subtracting a 1-digit number from a 2-digit number using knowledge of number bonds.  For example, 25-8 would become 20-3
  • Using part-whole models to aid addition and subtraction
  • Revising place value and identifying the number of tens and ones in 2-digit numbers

  • Focus on Year 2 key words
  • Recap nouns, adjectives and using expanded noun phrases
  • Can we remember when to use a comma?
  • Sharing the text 'Room on the Broom'
  • Writing our own adventure stories about flying on a broomstick
  • Homophone of the week: 'which' and 'witch'
  • Using co-ordination, 'or', 'and', 'but'
  • Investigating our sense of touch
  • Preparing a fresh fruit salad.  Which senses will we use when we prepare the fruit salad and eat eat?
Events this week
  • Parents Evening: Wednesday 4.00pm-7.00pm

Mathletics Superstars

11th October 2019

Congratulations to Molly, Lyla, Oscar and Harriet who have all earned mathletics certificates this week.  Keep up the good work.

Oscar's hundred square Puzzle

11th October 2019

Oscar arrived at school clutching a wonderful 100 square puzzle.  We have all had fun today completing the puzzle putting all the numbered tiles in the correct place.  It's a good job we had some practise earlier in the week fitting 100 squares back together as this was a complex puzzle.  However, in true THS style we rose to the challenge and demonstrated one of our IPC Personal Learning Goals, that of resilience.  Great job Year 2.

Lunch Award

11th October 2019

As always, there was great excitement as we headed off to assembly on Friday to discover which would be the lucky lunch ticket drawn from the bowl.  We are all doing really well and getting more and more lunch tickets each week.  This week we are all delighted for Molly who has been awarded our Lunch Award.  She chose Lyla to join her for lunch today at the 'top table'.

Spelling Challenge

11th October 2019

Our spelling challenge this week is 'Scrambled Words'.  We enjoyed having a little practise of this at school on Friday.

Star of the Week

11th October 2019

Congratulations to Harriet who has been crowned our Star of the Week this week in Year 2.

It's not a lot of sense without our senses!

10th October 2019

We love to sing in Year 2 and have been busy learning a song all about our senses to support our work in IPC.

100 Square Puzzles

10th October 2019

In maths this week we have been busy finding 1 more, 1 less, 10 more and 10 less than numbers to 100.  We all enjoyed solving some 100 square jigsaw puzzles to help us with this.

Our Trip to the Life Centre

7th October 2019

We all had a great day at the Life Centre.  We took part in a workshop all about our senses, watched a planetarium show, explored the hands on exhibits and were wowed when we were treated to a live Science Theatre show.